We at Baark! have been asking the question; What is your best Christmas gift ever?
Over the next three weeks we will feature three of our favorite answers
in our column.
What is was my best Christmas present ever?
Thanks for letting me tell you about my favorite Christmas
present ever. My name is Princess, I am a Potcake. My real name is Fluffy but
all my friends call me Princess because, well, I am! Anyway, back to the reason
for writing. My favorite Christmas present is the year that Baark! came to my
house and helped me with my man problem. You see, my man, Rex was always
running with his boys in the neighborhood, chasing other lady dogs and leaving
me with the puppies to care for all by myself.
That is no way to treat a Princess!
I had been spayed, which is the term for the female surgery,
about 2 years prior to Rex’s surgery. I told him over and over again he needed
the surgery but would he listen? No, he was convinced that as long as one of us
was fixed we would be fine. Fine my paw.
Fine is not leaving anytime of the day or night to go out on your family. Fine
is not expecting me to be okay with all of his foolishness. Let me tell you something right now. Rex, now
that he has been fixed sees the error of his ways and is so much more
content. The quality of life we have now
because of our surgeries is one hundred times better! If only he had listened
You asked me about the best Christmas present ever? It was
the December that the Baark! van came to our house and gave my family back the
best dog ever, My Rex!
Princess the Potcake
Why not put Baark! on your Christmas list. Make a donation to Baark!’s
spay and neuter campaign in lieu of gifts under the tree
Please spay and neuter your animals, this simple procedure saves
lives and decreases the suffering of unwanted animals.
This column is proudly brought to you by BAARK! the Bahamas
Alliance for Animal Rights and Kindness.
For more information contact us at info@baarkbahamas.org, (558-3039) or visit our website www.baarkbahamas.com
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