Wednesday 9 January 2013

Baark! On...What is straybusting?

Straybusting is a verb: to go into communities, collect or trap roaming dogs or cats whose owners are unable to take them or never take them in, to the vet and then return them spayed and neutered.

The process of straybusting not a simple one, it involves dirt, sweat and lots of sardines. A humane trap is set and the animal is lured to the trap by the tantalizing smell of sardines.  Once inside, the trap closes and the straybusters move the dog and the trap to the waiting vehicle and then transported to the “waiting area” of the veterinarians office where they will be spayed or neutered. The next day the dogs are released back to the neighborhoods with instructions to the owners or caregiver so that if they have further concerns they can call for help.

We at Baark! are thrilled to tell you that last year we were able to complete  600 free spay and neuters. This is all done  thanks primarily to generous donations we receive on your behalf. Next time you see a Baark! donation box or support a Baark! event please know Baark! has made a difference not only for dogs but for the dog’s whole neighborhood. Please continue to support Baark! in whatever way you can.

Please spay and neuter your animals.
By ensuring your animal cannot produce more litters you are saving lives and decreasing the suffering of unwanted animals.  Please consider donating or helping with Baark!’s efforts to improve animal welfare in the Bahamas. For more information contact us at or (558-3039)

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