Wednesday 19 June 2013

Baark! On: A fighting chance: The gift of fostering.

Young Danny had just entered the BHS facilities after being rescued from the pound next door.  He was scared, afraid and uncertain of what lay ahead. Danny had not been well for some time now and medical tests revealed he had 10/10 for heartworm. Heart worm results like this usually resulted in having to euthanize the dog, but life it would appear had a different plan for Danny and it came in the form of a wonderful family who decided to give this beautiful dog a fighting chance at life.

Danny was in need of a quiet nurturing environment which would facilitate a higher effectiveness with this required medical treatment.  Joanne decided to foster Danny and give him a fighting chance. The family environment and medical interventions were the effective pairing Danny needed to make a fully recovery. Today, Danny is thriving in his forever home, thanks to the amazing love and care given by Joanne and her family. Joanne spoke well when she said “We do not know Danny’s beginnings but we know he has the happiest of endings.”

Medical treatments are known to be more effective when the dog is living in a foster home rather than a shelter. Many of our dogs today need all the extra help they can get as they recover from the illness and abuse they have met on the street.

Fostering allows a dog to adapt to a family setting, to learn to live with and bond with humans like only a dog can. Living in a home environment allows the dog’s personality to develop, making the dog more adoptable and ready for his forever home.

Fostering a dog does not mean you have to keep them forever, but it does mean you will be able to see the beautiful transition of a dog moving from despair to hope, from illness to a picture of love, and from anxiety to trust. Joanne and Danny’s story is a beautiful and moving example of the power of love and the healing effect of fostering in the life of a dog. There are more stories waiting to be told, won’t you consider opening your heart to foster a dog and give them a fighting chance at a new life.


Please spay and neuter your animals.

By ensuring your animal cannot produce more litters you are saving lives and decreasing the suffering of unwanted animals.  Please consider donating or helping with Baark!’s efforts to improve animal welfare in the Bahamas.

For more information contact us at or (427-SPAY)

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