Monday 15 October 2012

Baark! On.. Thank you

We often receive thank you letters as an expression of gratitude for what we have done. This one is from a potcake, we are sure you it will touch your heart.

Dear Baark!

I want to thank you for the quick surgery you did for me. I understand that this surgery will save me from having any other litters. I have loved all my puppies but the toll it has taken on my body is enormous and I could not fathom having another litter without serious consequences on my health and that of my puppies. Thank you to the wonderful team of caring and kind people at baark! for giving myself a new “leash” on life.

I understand that in January of 2013 something called “Operation Potcake” is taking place here in the Bahamas. Baark and lot of other amazing people will be coming to Nassau to help a lot of dogs like myself. Thank you! I will spread the word on the street so my potcake friends can come to receive your much needed services! You are amazing.
Fredina Barker

Please spay and neuter your animals.
By ensuring your animal cannot produce more litters you are saving lives and decreasing the suffering of unwanted animals.  Please consider donating or helping with Baark!’s efforts to improve animal welfare in the Bahamas. For more information contact us at or (558-3039)

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